Lenticular Clouds over Mount Etna

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What’s going down above that volcano? Although Mount Etna is considered erupting, the clouds are possible to be no longer connected to the eruption. They’re lenticular clouds formed when moist air is compelled upwards attain a mountain or volcano. The surreal scene used to be captured by likelihood late final month when the astrophotographer went to Mount Etna, a UNESCO World Heritage Space in Sicily, Italy, to photograph the conjunction between the Moon and the neatly-known particular person Aldebaran. The Moon appears to be like in a sparkling crescent allotment, illuminating an edge of the decrease lenticular cloud. Red hot lava flows on the good. Moreover some breathtaking stills, a accomplice time-lapse video of the scene reveals the lenticular clouds forming and wavering as stars path a ways within the distance. Apply APOD in English on: Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, or Twitter

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