Two people test positive for West Nile Virus in Fresno County – KFSN-TV

Two people test positive for West Nile Virus in Fresno County - KFSN-TV thumbnail

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) — The quantity of people infected with the West Nile Virus this one year – and the increasing quantity of areas the place mosquitoes are testing bound – accept as true with native smartly being officials moving.

Two conditions accept as true with been confirmed in Fresno County.

On the least five extra Fresno County sufferers are suspected of having the virus.

120 samples of trapped mosquitoes accept as true with examined bound so consultants wish to send an pressing reminder that it be a must to guard yourself with repellent and put away with standing water.

RELATED: Mosquitoes halt to Fresno Utter check bound for West Nile Virus

The Culex mosquito, which carries the West Nile Virus, bites right via the night.

Laura Hardwick is considered one of two Fresno County sufferers infected with West Nile. She’s being handled at Clovis Community but at this point Hardwick can no longer stand or feed herself.

“You by no map think it be going to occur to you until it does. After which when it does it hits you admire a tornado,” says her husband, Thomas Hardwick.

The two confirmed and five suspected conditions lived in varied areas – from Clovis to southeast Fresno.

RELATED: Fresno lady hospitalized after being infected with West Nile Virus

Fresno County had 15 West Nile Virus conditions confirmed closing one year but smartly being officials fear this one year will be worse if people assemble no longer take preventative steps.

“The bound pool of mosquitoes is bearing on perfect now on account of that map there are many mosquitoes obtainable breeding, infected with the West Nile Virus,” says Fresno County educator Leticia Berber.

Steve Mulligan of the Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District says crews accept as true with been spraying insecticide in troublesome areas of standing water.

“We now accept as true with also composed bound samples from varied cities in our district at the side of Kingsburg, Selma, Fowler, Sanger, Reedley and Fresno and Clovis.”

Mosquito season lasts via October.

SEE ALSO: Guidelines on how to guard yourself from mosquitoes

Your most effective defense against West Nile and varied mosquito-borne diseases stays bug spray.

“Repellents that encompass deet or picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR 3535,” explains Mulligan.

Also, that you may perchance additionally simply aloof put away with standing water.

Mosquitoes can even lay eggs in water left in a bottle cap.

80% of the people infected with the West Nile Virus assemble no longer cloak any symptoms.

Older people or these with weakened immune systems will suffer from unsuitable complications, fever and nausea.

Residents can call their Mosquito Abatement District representative or seek the advice of with for added knowledge.

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