WWE SmackDown results, recap, grades: Shocking NXT invasion, Brock Lesnar quits and moves to Raw – CBS Sports

WWE SmackDown results, recap, grades: Shocking NXT invasion, Brock Lesnar quits and moves to Raw - CBS Sports thumbnail

When noteworthy of the SmackDown roster turned into unable to shut from the Crown Jewel pay-per-test in Saudi Arabia following airplane mechanical concerns, WWE turned into backed into a nook in the actual approach to blueprint the Fox-televised display cover this week. What followed turned into a masterstroke of creativity with the NXT roster invading — and dominating — SmackDown.

While WWE champion Brock Lesnar quitting SmackDown to pursue Rey Mysterio on Raw turned into the early headline, it turned into NXT dominating the SmackDown roster in every doubtless blueprint that can stand as the lasting memory of a wild and unpredictable model of SmackDown. So with out further ado, let’s steal a explore at what went down at SmackDown from Keybank Center in Buffalo, Recent York.

Brock Lesnar quits to find Rey Mysterio at Raw

The WWE champion kicked off the display cover, coming into the ring with Paul Heyman, who described Lesnar’s mood by asserting, “Brock Lesnar is in actuality, in actuality pissed off tonight.” The entirety of Lesnar’s Crown Jewel hold over Cain Velasquez turned into aired at the direction of Heyman, who called the hold “spiritually orgasmic.” Heyman moreover claimed they demanded Vince McMahon instruct Mysterio to him following Mysterio’s put up-match steel chair beatdown of Lesnar, but McMahon stated the match can even no longer occur attributable to the contracts inherent in the emblem spoil up.

“If Rey Mysterio can’t almost about SmackDown for Brock Lesnar, than near this Monday,” Heyman stated. “Brock Lesnar will almost about Raw buying for Rey Mysterio.” Heyman then stated Lesnar has quit SmackDown and can fair be at Raw on Monday, courageous somebody in the corporate to are trying and prevent him. As Heyman and Lesnar exited the area, Triple H turned into proven temporarily reacting sooner than the camera confirmed Shawn Michaels standing by his aspect, foreshadowing the remaining of the display cover’s happenings.

This all made excellent sense given “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt winning the in style championship at Crown Jewel on Thursday. Transferring Lesnar and the WWE championship to Raw locations one title on each and every impress, as is necessary. And Lesnar vs. Mysterio is an animated match with comely fabricate and warmth, so no complaints here. Heyman turned into, as customary, turning in the products on the mic whereas a brooding Lesnar stood through the pass. Lesnar’s “bigger than all of this” character works very successfully in storyline, even supposing it would possibly possibly possibly maintain to usually be a omit for followers in actuality. And airing a elephantine PPV match — even supposing short — turned into a comely approach to assist maintain time given the flaws facing SmackDown tonight. Grade: B+

NXT invades and dominates SmackDown

With so noteworthy of the SmackDown roster unavailable attributable to skedaddle concerns, WWE inventive needed to catch … successfully, inventive. To complete this, NXT invaded SmackDown, putting off SmackDown stars in in most cases every segment of the display cover, culminating in a main tournament showdown between Daniel Bryan and Adam Cole for the NXT championship.

WWE SmackDown Ladies’s Championship — Bayley (c) def. Nikki nefarious through pinfall after interference from Sasha Banks. Banks obtained fervent monotonous at ringside, distracting Accelerate to plight up a Bayley elbow fall, but Accelerate turned into in a location to kick out. Accelerate wasn’t in a location to live to express the tale the 2nd interference from Banks, being pinned moments after being shoved off the tip rope by “The Boss.” After the match ended, NXT ladies’s champion Shayna Baszler jumped the guardrail, throwing Banks into the ring put up, laying out Accelerate and then hanging a beating on Bayley to plight the tone for the remaining of the display cover.

Within the subsequent segment, Sami Zayn turned into cutting a in the assist of the curtain promo, discussing Baszler and Pat McAfee performing on the display cover. He stated that, whereas NXT turned into clearly in the area, there could be concerns if somebody from the roster stepped to him. He turned into then interrupted by Matt Riddle and Keith Lee, who chased him off from the interview home to the ring. Riddle hit Zayn with Bro Derek and Lee hit a 2nd rope moonsault.

Tommaso Ciampa def. Miz through pinfall after hitting the Fairy Anecdote Ending. Miz TV turned into originally to characteristic Miz interviewing Wyatt, however the recent champion turned into among of us who were unable to catch it to the display cover attributable to the flight concerns. Miz quiet aired a video kit keeping Wyatt’s title hold over Seth Rollins at Crown Jewel sooner than addressing the night’s NXT invasion. He turned into then interrupted by light NXT champion Tommaso Ciampa. After buying and selling barbs, Miz told Ciampa if he turned into at SmackDown to catch a sigh, “then catch a damn sigh” sooner than throwing down a declare for a match. Ciampa obtained the hold, taking a explore spectacular in the midst of.

Daniel Bryan with out warning met Triple H and Shawn Michaels in the assist of the curtain, asking what the light D-Generation X contributors were doing at the display cover. Triple H pointed to the Survivor Sequence adverts that ran at some stage in Crown Jewel, establishing a Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT theme to the upcoming tournament. Bryan stated he turned into buying for a fight and challenged Triple H to a match; there turned into a short tease of Michaels vs. Bryan sooner than Triple H stated NXT champion Adam Cole turned into moreover buying for a fight, ensuing in a main tournament match between Cole and Bryan for the NXT championship.

Rhea Ripley & Tegan Nox def. Fire & Desire through submission when Mandy Rose tapped to Ripley’s modified cloverleaf. Bianca Belair took out Carmella and Dana Brooke, Fire & Desire’s fashioned opponents. Ripley and Nox then took the boom and dominated a short match sooner than chalking up one more hold for NXT.

NXT Championship — Adam Cole (c) def. Daniel Bryan through pinfall following the Final Shot. Triple H and Michaels were ringside for the match. As anticipated, this match featured impossible motion from two of potentially the most attention-grabbing legit wrestlers on the earth. What turned into surprising — at the least for some — turned into Cole going over utterly tidy to retain his championship. Cole’s hold performed a tidy sweep for NXT, who failed to maintain a single moment traipse in opposition to them the full display cover.

Following Cole’s hold, the NXT roster entered the ring the effect Triple H stated his impress had fired the principle shot in a warfare started when Raw and SmackDown picked a fight for Survivor Sequence. Triple H stated, to manufacture an military, “you flip to your blood and you flip to your household.”

With WWE backed into a nook by forces open air its serve an eye on, followers were handled to a display cover that did an improbable job of no longer most attention-grabbing building to NXT’s inclusion at Survivor Sequence but moreover establishing WWE’s third impress as fully in a position to competing with — and dominating — the established “premier” impress celeb. Cole vs. Bryan is the easy in-ring spotlight, but every segment in the display cover delivered something precious. That is no longer something that can moreover be stated for a complete lot of WWE TV outings. It’s doubtless you’ll no longer quit something like this a week, but for one week, this turned into something particular. Grade: A+

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